Sunday, September 30, 2007


LINDA is the party for the homeless type ones. here there is no more ambition than grabbing your drink, to get really wasted or what's the same, to get into the rapture. granted, beneath that sweet selfdestrcutive behaviour, sublies a nihilistic ideology that the comodos like to call FUCK YOU.

date: 9/29 [sat]
venue: fuurin kaikan 5F - kabuki cho - shinjuku
open: 1PM - 1AM
djs: duck rock, lovely jonjo, anita san, the lowbrows, kazunoko, ken, digiki, cato canari, flash roxi&the promking, sex, poppo, yulia&galbitch, yatt, TFR DJZ
vjs: takikiki, ステレオテニス
gogo's: trainers

MOOD/in/ENGLISH⇒ a bilbao-albino homeless who eat-shit-sleep in Komagekijo, for some reason, he is cool, doesn't even smell bad and his fashions are FLASHIONS, TFR has noticed him, gives him a LINDA flyer and puts him in its guest list.
MOOD/in/ESPAÑOL⇒ un homeless albino-andino que come-caga-duerme en Komagekijo, por algun motivo, es majete, no huele ni mal y sus fashions son FLASHIONS, TFR se ha fijado en el, le da un flyer de LINDA y lo pone en su lista de invitados.

fashion shooting: TFR