Monday, August 11, 2008


Where this incredible journey begins is in the Garden of Eden. At the start I will declare that the foundation of this article is built upon the Serpent Seed theory. If you do not adhere to this theory then there is no point in reading onIn the Garden of Eden there was Adam, Eve, and Lucifer. Lucifer was in my mind was set apart to teach Adam Eve the ways of God and to be a teacher and guardian angel. But Lucifer had a different interpretation of his role. He felt threatened in knowing that Adam and Eve were going to populate the earth with humans that were in the likeness and image of God. Perhaps Lucifer in all his beauty and pride desired to have a race of children from his seed that would bare his own image and likeness and he could rule over as a god.
It is hard to imagine how Lucifer could think that he could actually get away with such a feat of mutiny. Since he was a new creation, he may of felt that God was far too loving to take any real action. Being a loving God would make God weak and ineffectual in Lucifer's mind. Lucifer must of felt that he was the only strong leader there was and in his mind it gave him the right to rule over the earth. In other words "might is right."
In the Garden Lucifer began to put his plan for dominion over the earth in motion. Did he go to Adam? No. Right away he went to the women knowing that she could replicate his essense though her. He began to offer bad fruit of occult Gnostic knowledge. My feeling is that he told Eve that through him, she could bare children that would be gods upon the earth. He may of told her that God was too weak to interfere and that she could become the Queen of Heaven in the Kingdom of Lucifer's light on earth. Eve offered no resistance and freely partook of his occult fruit of hidden knowledge.
Lucifer was whispering magic to Eve while enchanting and seducing her. The word enchanting means to cast a spell over; bewitch, charm. Eve's heart must of been pounding in her chest and her head spinning from being courted by an angel of intense beauty and light. A fatal attraction was now being acted out bringing a curse to all mankind.
After Eve fell into the arms of Lucifer her king, the situation changed. Suddenly she started to act like a victim of rape by covering her sex organ in shame. She was now guilty of transgressing the law while Adam wasn't.And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety." Tim 2:14-15Adam was not deceived. But the word deceived when applying to the woman means to be seduced wholly. This means she was seduced mentally, spiritually, and yes physically.the snake was a symbol and not a literal talking snake selling apples. If you look up the words used in Genesis from a Strong's Concordance, you will then see that Genesis is filled with many sexual idioms. In fact the picture of the snake eating dust is a Jewish idiom for being lower than low. To take it literally is a mistake. Note too that there are no snakes that eat dust. Also that male penis strongly resembles a snake in it's shape, so I do not think that we are dealing with a literal snake. And what was the law that Eve broke and was in "transgression" of? I would think it is clear that she was in transgression because she had committed adultery. It says that Adam did too partake in the eating of the fruit and became ashamed. But this fruit did not come directly from the tree but from Eve.
There is very little to go on in scripture to really speculate on what happened to Adam. Some feel that Lucifer in the Garden committed the first act of Sodomy. With Eve it is obvious that Lucifer cast her out. Soon the God Almighty and ruler of the universe stepped in to take control. A curse was now placed on all of them. Eve's offspring (fruit of the womb) were now to be born in sin, and now Satan's son was born to the world. His name was Cain. He was a vile angry man who never took the blame for anything and refused to be second best in God's eyes. He was full of selfish pride and blind ambition.
God created Adam in the image and likeness of God with gentleness, meekness, and love. And since it is written that all seeds would bare forth fruit of its own kind, this now begs the question of who was Cain's father and what seed was he from? It becomes clear when we see what scripture says, "And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth." Gen 5:3It does not say this about Cain. In fact we know nothing of what Cain looked like.It is clear that Cain was not of the seed of Adam and Seth was to replace him. In fact is was Cain who slew his brother offering Satan/Lucifer the very first blood offering and putting an end to the seedline of the Messiah. Well that is until Seth was born from Adam. But from now on there was going to be two seedlines. One is the offspring of Satan through Cain which are the goats, and the offspring of God through AdamCain looked different because he was in the image and likeness of his true father Lucifer. It is interesting that the word Lucifer means Shining One. There are many accounts from all cultures about the Shining Ones that came down from heaven and when they left, they all promised to return in the future.Cain being born of his father Lucifer would of caused him to look very much like his father. So what did Lucifer look like? We know that he is the Shining One, but he was also a Seraphim angel.Divine creatures from the Old Testament, associated with the Cherubim, and later taken to be angels. The root of Seraphim comes either from the Hebrew verb saraph ('to burn') or the Hebrew noun saraph (a fiery, flying serpent). Because the term appears several times with reference to the serpents encountered in the wilderness (Num. 21.8, Deut. 8.15; Isa. 14.29; 30.6), it has often been understood to refer to "fiery serpents." From this it has also often been proposed that the seraphim were serpentine in form and in some sense "fiery" creaturesIt is said that whoever lays eyes on a Seraph, he would instantly be incinerated due to the immense brightness of the Seraph. They are described as very tall, with six wings and four heads, one for of the cardinal directions. One pair of wings are for flying, one for covering their eyes (for even they may not look directly at God)Lucifer shone like the sun and was Reptilian looking behind the curtain of awesome burning light. It could very well be that Cain retained some of the serpentine features from his father Lucifer.Cain was forced to leave the Garden to form his own reptilian race and not be allowed to interbreed with Adam's offspring the humans