Sunday, August 10, 2008

Reptilian Encounter Early 1980's

close to 1982. In this period of my life I was partying quite a bit, and drank more alcohol than was good for me. I mention this, because it could have triggered what happened to me. For the record I have to say I was absolutely sober at the moment of the incident, and hadn't been drinking within the last few days. The reason I know this is because I remember I was rehearsing with my rock band pretty intensively, preparing for an important gig in the next coming week or so, which means I needed to keep focused.This particular night I was lying in bed, trying to go to sleep. After a while, I floated into the stage between being awake and being asleep, where you are still aware of your environment, but are slowly entering "dreamland". Suddenly I felt how the room was getting icy cold and my hair stood right up on my neck and arms. I remember opening my eyes, and I was clearly awake in an instant. The room got even colder and I noticed I was totally paralyzed and couldn't move one single muscle in my body. I had a very eerie feeling in my stomach.Then, out of nowhere, a horrible creature appeared in the opposite part of the room, close to the bedroom door (I was living alone in an apartment at the time). In retrospect, I can see that the creature looked something like how people would describe the Reptilian race; thick, naked, with green, totally hairless and extremely muscular, with his spine sticking up underneath his skin; something I noticed when he was bending down, ready to attack. I can’t remember clearly what his nose and ears looked like, but I vaguely recall that he had pointy ears. I just “knew” he was a male, although I don’t remember seeing any genitals. His eyes were ruby red and glowed viciously. I estimate his length to about 6.3f – 6.5f, but his body (bone?) structure was thicker and bigger than on a human. He had more teeth than we do from what I can recall, and they were very long, sharp and pointy. His mouth was huge. I can’t say whether he had a tail or not, because I never saw him from behind, and no wings. This creature was definitely physical, at least after he had transformed into our reality. When this happened, I had no other way of describing him than as a demon, knowing nothing about reptilians at the time...This creature was staring at me for I don't know how long, but it feels like it was maybe half a minute, while I still couldn't move or scream. He suddenly started growling and before I knew it he was over me in my bed, now furiously roaring. His big, ice-cold hands grabbed my neck, trying to strangle me. He was extremely strong and heavy, and one of his knees put an enormous weight on my chest. I recall I could feel his breath in my face, but can't remember how it smelled, probably because I was choking. I was thinking, my God, this is it. I am dead! I couldn't breathe at all, due to him strangling me. And all the time he was roaring loudly and furiously. I remember my next thought was: "what's gonna happen now? Where will this creature take me? To Hell?" I was horrified, but couldn't do anything. Even if I wouldn't have been paralyzed, there was nothing I could do; this creature was much too strong for any human being to fight.The creepiest thing was that this reptilian-looking creature literally sucked out my life energy and “swallowed” it, exactly in the same way as was shown in one of Spielberg’s(?) movies, when this evil little monster sucked the life energy out of a sleeping girl (I can’t remember the name of the movie), and I knew it was just a matter of seconds before I was going to pass out. I mentally prepared myself to die, or worse. Then, in a blink of an eye, I heard a long "sweeping sound - swoooosh" (this is the only way I can describe it) and the creature disappeared in thin air. I was not paralyzed anymore and I sat up in my bed, desperately catching my breath, coughing and choking. My heart was pounding like a hammer in my chest, and I could still feel the tightness around my neck and the pressure on my chest from his knee. I was sore days after the incident, but no bruises(!) The room was still ice-cold, but slowly went back to normal room temperature.The creature was definitely reptilian in shape, but also looked like a demon to me at the same time. Was this a creature from another dimension, or a classic demon? Or are these two basically the same thing? I don't know, I only know this was the creepiest experience in my life, and even now, when I think about it, it gives me goose bumps. By drinking and partying, could I have been sensitive to pulling in those lower dimensions in my life, or is it unrelated? Who knows? I was not into the occult at that moment, either; that happened a few years afterSome may think I was dreaming the whole thing, but believe me, I was awake and fully aware of what was happening. This was not a dream.