Sunday, August 10, 2008

THe Watchers and MOses From the BIble

References to Watchers, good and bad angels, and hybrid babies can be found in many ancient texts including the Old Testament, which borrowed much from older documents, including the books of Enoch. The prophet Enoch is mentioned in Genesis as the son of Cain and the father of Methuselah, and he is believed to be one of the antediluvian (pre-flood) patriarchs who, along with Noah, "walked with God" (Genesis 5:24; 6:9). Books written by anonymous writers but credited to Enoch were given great credence by early Jewish scholars and thus influenced the writers of the Old Testament. Parts of the books of Enoch written in Aramaic were found among the scraps of parchment in the caves of Qumran in 1947, having been placed there nearly 2,000 years ago by a Jewish sect known as the Essenes. These, of course, are the Dead Sea Scrolls. Another version exists in Ethiopian.
According to the Aramaic texts, "Enoch was the first among the children of men born of the Earth who had learned writing, science, and wisdom" from the angels. In one writing, the *Book of the Watchers*, we learn that the Watchers are angels and that there are good and bad Watchers. We are told that the Watchers are angels of the Lord, "come down to Earth to instruct the children of men and to bring about justice and equity on Earth." But in the case of the wicked or bad angels, the science they teach turns to wicked ends because of their sins.
Their sin is that they permit their sexual appetite to dominate them: "When the evil Watchers descended and beheld the daughters of man, they began to corrupt themselves with them. When the sons of God saw the daughters of man, they could not restrain their inclination."
These Watchers fall from grace with God when Enoch travels to heaven in physical form to testify against them. He tells God that the Watchers "had begun to go unto the daughters of men, so that they became impure." As punishment for the sins of the evil Watchers against humankind, God destroys humanity, including the hybrid race of beings who are the offspring of humans and Watchers, by causing a great flood. The evil Watchers are put into a fiery pit and imprisoned by the four chiefs of the good Watchers, the archangels Michael, Sariel, Rafael, and Gabriel.
Another interesting reference to the Watchers was found in the same cave as the books of Enoch, but was not known until 1992, when two Biblical scholars, Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, published their book *The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered.*
Among the 50 documents released for the first time in this book is a reference to the Watchers that is unique, for it provides one of the few physical descriptions of them. The text, called "The Testament of Amram," describes the experience of a person named Amram in which "an angel and a demon" were wrestling over his soul: "[I saw Watchers] in my vision, the dream-vision. Two [men] were fighting over me. I asked them, 'who are you, that you are thus empowered over me?" They answered me, 'We [have been em]powered and rule over all mankind.' They said to me, 'Which of us do yo[u] choose to rule [you]?' I raised my eyes and looked. [One] of them was terrifying in his appearance, [like a s]erpent, [his] cl[oak] many colored yet very dark...[And I looked again], and ... in his appearance, his visage like a viper ... [I replied to him,] 'This [watcher,] who is he?' He answered me, 'This Wa[tcher,] ... [and his three names are Belial and Prince of Darkness] and King of Evil.'"
What makes this testament even more intriguing is the fact that this little-known character named Amram is quite an important personage. Amram, it turns out, was the father of one of the most famous contactees in history, the man who delivered the Jews from slavery in Egypt...OF COURSE OUR GREAT FRIEND MOSES...write that down