Sunday, September 28, 2008

Narziß celebrated *Tokyo Fahion Week Attacks Rashomon Matsuri And Viceversa*

english\\\\Narziß celebrated *Tokyo Fahion Week Attacks Rashomon Matsuri And Viceversa* on September 5th, 2008.
Frankly, We only wanted to rescue the Fashion Week from oblivion by putting on our own show, allegoric, exquisite and jetsetter. Very Fellini, very elephant and lacking in any naïveté. Rashomon Matsuri. On the one hand, Rashomon is Akira Kurosawa's film based on two tales by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. The masterpiece, besides from owning our favorite esoteric moment in the history of cinema, is about the rape of a woman and the apparent murder of her husband. It is narrated by four witnesses with mutually contradictory versions of the incident. We love Rashomon because it is an allegory of Ourselves: fiercely subjective, owners of the truth. Raped due to our stunning beauty. Apparently murdered for loving too much. Thieves just because. Murderers just because. Egocentrics. Lascivious, unfaithfuls and liars. Almost all day skepticals/pessimistics, but at the end of the day We would like to have a baby. Shamanistics, in fact, We are the best medium of the region. And exotic creatures, set in the only Japan that we like: the one from 100 years ago towards back; but deeply unhappy... On the other hand, We have Matsuri, which literally means 'festival', and is a happening entirely folk and tremendous, a kimonoed binge. How come then We dare to wed the dark Rashomon with the radiant Matsuri, and thus sabotage the Fashion Week? Well in principle, just because, because We are Deux jeunes filles en noir aristocratic, filled with velleities, and always do whatever strikes our fancy. Because We believe in the hilarious theory of contrast. Because through the absurd we break down the routine course of reality. And 'coz, obviously, only We know how to exchange one vogue for another. Vogue, like Madonna.
Among the guests were film star Tadanobu Asano, GVGV's designer Mug, TFR's image Nakao, Martin Webb and Yoshiko Chris-Webb, curators Kiki Kudo and Agatha Wara, Uburoi's designer Mitsue Iwata, Gallery Naruyama's Jason, Dolomites' Stefanko Balkano, Shima's Sachiko, Dazed&Confused's Sakiko, Vogue Hommes' Emi, Vogue Taiwan's Lina, Sister's Fuyuri and Narziß's image Sono. Gallermic's outfit granted by Uburoi, leggins by Balmung. Music selected by Soft&Hard, Punkadelix, Anita San + Kaskay, Buvez Madison, Philou + TFR.


español\\\\Narziß celebro *Tokyo Fahion Week Attacks Rashomon Matsuri And Viceversa* el 5 de Setiembre, 2008.
Francamente, solo queriamos rescatar a la fashion week del olvido, montando nuestro propio show, alegorico, exquisito y jetsetter, very Fellini, very elephant y sin nada de naïveté. Rashomon Matsuri. Por un lado, Rashomon es el filme de Akira Kurosawa basado en dos relatos de Ryunosuke Akutawa. La obra maestra, ademas de poseer nuestro momento esoterico favorito en la historia del cine, trata sobre la violacion de una mujer y el aparente homicidio de su esposo, contado por cuatro testigos con versiones mutuamente contradictorias. Amamos a Rashomon porque es una alegoria de nosotros mismos: ferozmente subjetivos, duenios de la verdad. Violados por nuestra despampanante belleza. Aparentemente asesinados por amar demasiado. Ladrones porque si. Asesinos porque si. Egocentricos. Lascivos, infieles y mentirosos. Casi todo el dia escepticos/pesimistas, pero al final del dia nos gustaria tene un bebito. Chamanisticos, de hecho somos la mejor medium del pueblo. Plus criaturas exoticas, enclavados en el unico Japon que nos gusta: el de hace 100 anios para atras; pero hondamente infelices... Por otro lado, tenemos a Matsuri, que literalmente significa 'festival', y es un acontecimiento enteramente folklorico y apoteosico, una juerga enkimonada. Como asi entonces nos atrevemos a matrimoniar al oscuro Rashomon con la radiante Matsuri, y asi sabotear la Semana de la Moda? Pues en principio, porque si, porque somos Deux jeunes filles en noir aristocraticas y veleidosas y siempre hacemos lo que se nos viene en gana. Porque creemos en la hilarante teoria del contraste. Porque a traves del absurdo rompemos el rutinario curso de la realidad. Y porque, obviamente, Nosotros solo sabemos cambiar una moda por otra, "Vogue" que le dicen, like Madonna.
Entre los invitados estuvieron la estrella del cine Tadanobu Asano, la diseniadora de GVGV Mug, la imagen de TFR Nakao, Martin Webb and Yoshiko Chris-Webb, las curadoras Kiki Kudo y Agatha Wara, la diseniadora de Uburoi Mitsue Iwata, Jason de Gallery Naruyama, Stefanko Balkano de Dolomites, Sachiko de Shima, Sakiko de Dazed&Confused, Emi de Vogue Hommes, Lina de Vogue Taiwan, Fuyuri de Sister y la imagen de Narziß Sono. El conjunto de Gallermic otorgado por Uburoi, leggins by Balmung. Music selected by Soft&Hard, Punkadelix, Anita San + Kaskay, Buvez Madison, Philou + TFR.

All the photos on

~> The Flyer