Dance Competition on National Integration
Kala Mogi, Candolim in collaboration with Tiatr Academy of Goa and Dalgado Konknni Akademi will organize an inter school competition of dance on the recorded Konkani songs on National Integration on 23rd August 2010.
The competition is organized for the purpose of inculcating patriotic values among the student community. It will also popularize Konkani songs on National Integration. The participating schools will be provided with transport charges as per the distance of the school from the venue of competition. They will also be provided with refreshments and attractive awards including cash awards.
The 1st prize for the best performance will be Rs. 5000/-. The 2nd and 3rd prizes will be Rs. 3000/- and Rs. 2000/- respectively. Besides this, mementos will be presented to the winning schools and certificates of participation for all students.
Each dance group must have not less than 8 dancers and not more than 10 dancers.
Incase there is difficulty in getting Konkani songs on National Integration they are requested to contact on phone no. 9822170102. The necessary arrangement to provide Konkani songs on National Integration will be made.
Those schools interested in participating in the competition are requested to submit their applications to the Secretary, Kala Mogi, “Asro”, Orda, Candolim, Bardez, Goa, India on or before 12th August 2010.
Shivanand Naik
Kala Mogi
[Info through press release as forwarded by Kala Mogi
to gaspar almeida, on 5-08-2010).