Saturday, August 21, 2010

UMD Team wins IGVC 2010

For the third consecutive year, University of Detroit Mercy (UMD) took home the top prize at the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition 2010, IGVC held June 4-7 in Rochester, Michigan. Hosei University from Japan placed second.

Fifty-Eight teams representing 47 schools from twenty-two states and six countries entered the competition which required building and testing autonomous robots. UDM competed against universities from around the world including the University of Wisconsin Madison, the U.S. Naval Academy, Princeton, Cornell, University of Illinois Urbana, Penn State, Georgia Tech, Hosei (Japan), Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada), Waterloo (Canada), and the University of Texas Austin.

The IGVC is an annual international competition created to offer cutting-edge design experience to engineering students. The competition consisted of four challenge events: Autonomous Challenge, Navigation Challenge, JAUS Challenge and the Design Competition. The scores from each of these events are combined to determine the overall First Place Grand Award winner.

A design report (pdf) of the winning UMD-Team can be found here.