Workshop on ‘Kantaram’ organized by Kala Academy Goa & TAG
A workshop on stage songs of tiatr ‘Kantaram’ was organised by Kala Academy Goa in collaboration with Tiatr Academy of Goa (TAG) on 8th August 2010 at the Black Box, Kala Academy, Panjim. ‘Kantaram’ is a part and parcel of a tiatr, which also constitutes its uniqueness.

‘Kantaram’ are of different types such as Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets etc. and all these songs of different types must be included in the tiatr. However in the recent times it has been observed that variety of ‘kantaram’ which form the uniqueness of tiatr, is not maintained by the present day tiatr artistes. Hence, the workshop was organised.
Tomazinho Cardozo, President of TAG explained in detail the various types of ‘Kantaram’ such as Solos, Duets,Trios, Quartets etc. He brought out the exact nature of Duets, Trios, Quartets and stressed upon the fact that the lyrics should be interactive in nature and every singer should be projected as a different character. He also stated that ‘Kantaram’ which are sung together with different voices and which can be termed as choral songs also form the part of a tiatr. Yet another type of song which is sung by different people and in which there is no interaction is also a part and parcel of the package of ‘Kantaram’ for a tiatr.

During the interaction, various participants asked for clarification and also gave valuable suggestions in order to dispel misunderstanding regarding Solos, Duets, Trios, Quartets etc. in the minds of singers and lyricists.

Dr. Pandurang Phaldessai, Member Secretary of Kala Academy in his address stated that such type of workshops are very valuable because it helps in better understanding of Tiatr, its Song & Music and also helps in the development of Tiatr, its Song & Music. He further stated that the concept of Duets, Trios, Quartets and choral songs as discussed in the workshop will be made applicable in the forthcoming Tiatr Festival and Konkani Kantaram Festival to be organised by Kala Academy shortly. He appealed to all the participants to implement the new changes effectively and make Goan ‘Kantar’ more popular and interesting to listeners. Victor de Da, Member Secretary of TAG proposed the vote of thanks.
[As forwarded to gaspar almeida, by TAG via email]