Friday, January 6, 2006

Tokyo Underground Parties

Tokyo is been to said the destiny of inescapable cultural, emotional and nocturnal delirium. Up-to-date and representative bands of the underground circuit such as Vive La Fête or Die Raketen, immortalize the Tokyo-paranoia with songs plenty of psychedelia and obsessive thriller. Focusing in this point -the one that we really care for-, in Tokyo, the underground movement 'as a community concept', is a new wave catapulted from a party showyly so-called VANITY, wich after two years and half of released has increased its habitués geometricly, 'till the point that in the last month of the 2005 new parties have turned up, and in short, the number of we-must-go-events has gone up in a 200%. Straightaway, the photothemma that picks up the psychedelia of these *Tokyo Undergound* moments, from the dirty-renaissance perspective of TheFashionRamone. ***************** ******************* *******************
(Versión En Español) En todo el mundo se habla de Tokyo como destino de ineluctable desvarío cultural, emocional, nocturno. Bandas tan actuales y representativas del circuito underground, como Vive La Fête o Die Raketen, inmortalizan la Tokyo-paranoia con temas de calibre psicodélico y obsesivo thriller. Concentrándonos en este medio -que es el que más nos interesa-, lo cierto es que aquí, en Tokyo, la movida underground "como concepto de comunidad", es una nueva ola catapultada desde una fiesta aparatosamente denominada VANITY, que a sus dos años y medio de lanzada ha visto incrementar a sus habitués geométricamente, al punto de que en el último mes del 2005 nuevas fiestas han aparecido y en sumo, el número de eventos al que no debemos faltar por nada del mundo se ha incrementado en un 200 %. En seguida, fototema que recoge la psicodelia de estos momentos *Tokyo Underground*, desde la perspectiva antro-renacentista de TheFashionRamone. ***************** *************************************************************
Tokyo Underground Parties
Photos & Text by Gallermic Tanaka *************************************************************
Left: the classic black and red atmosphere of Vanity party @ La Fabrique.
Right: the Dj and his 'horror fashion'. From Linda party @ Chelsea Hotel.
Left: the 'Gothic Lolita' here sick and exhilarating. From Hells Yeah!!! party @ Unit-Salon
Right: shaking your legs and whatever you want. From Meat party @ Wire.
Left: look how cool this fashion gang is. From Hells Yeah!!! backstage @ Unit-Salon
Right: when dj and habitué Sarah is inspired she gets so diva! From Meat party @ Wire.
Vanity, psychedelia, electrorock and hedonysm, what else could we be waiting for. Among its dj guests we can find Peaches, Nick Zinner from Yeahyeahyeah's, XLover from Gigolo, LCD Soundsystem's James Murphy and fashion designer Jeremy Scott. Photo taken from the last Vanity of 2005 @ La Fabrique-Shibuya.

Left: clair-obscure Stock Films gig @ Vanity.
Right: underground celebritie Nanae in the AnotherMan Magazine launching @ Vanity.

Left: l'enfant underground Sayuri exhibiting her naïf and avant gard Tokyo Pop style @ Meat.

Right: habitué Popo making a powerful kitsch statement @ Meat.

Left: rocambolesque coffee made by a supernatural tokyoite. From Linda @ the f*ckn' cool Chelsea Hotel.

Right: relaxed Yuko @ Hells Yeah!!! party backstage.

They love 80's, wear aerobics and make cheerful intoxicating shows. Meat is the most exhilarating Tokyo underground party.


Left: sexy and dramatic Meat girl Nabe. From Meat party @ Wire.

Right: beautiful habitué Emiko watching us behind her oversized police sunglasses. From Meat.

Left: wearing stars made by Device, Yuko showing the longest legs of the scene @ Vanity. Right: Vanity and Vivians frontman, here Paul James in other of his productions: Licks party @ Wedge.

Left: clockwork orange style habitué in Licks party @ Wedge. Right: Terrific Yusuke in the underground fashion brand Device event @ Vanity party - La Fabrique.

Linda is the new grand party of the scene. Completely made by sugoi japanese kids, this event is an electroshocking experience in the middle of the most mind-blowing underground atmosphere of Chelsea Hotel.

Left: horror fashion lover Yusuke striking a pose. From Linda party @ Chelsea Hotel. Right: sparkling Hachi in Bernhard Willhelm sweater. From Linda @ Chelsea Hotel.

Left: another clair-obscure Stock Films gig @ the first Vanity party of 2006. Right: wonder women @ the first Vanity party of 2006.

Left: fashion monster wearing his own designs. From Linda @ Chelsea Hotel. Right: ethereal and technicolour Rachel in her party Meat @ Wire.


Left: les enfants terribles Sayuri, Saki and Yuki, girls from Spank, the coolest avant garde Tokyo Pop fashion shop, flung theirselves on the floor of the Hells Yeah!!! party @ Unit-Salon.

Right: supernatural Aiko next to the dj paraphernalia, perhaps she is thinking about her next trip to London. From Teenage Kicks party @ Plug, january 2006.

Left: euphoria in the spotlight. These girls -Nabe and Yuka legs- are quintessentially Meat par excellence. From Meat party @ Wire club.

Right: Nanae does everything for the camera... and we must confess she is spectacular!!! From AnotherMan Magazine launching party @ Vanity.

Left: the eclectic habitués Maimi and Hachi, perhaps talking about their fashion studies or about their machiavellian plans to conquer the world. They are so beautiful that i'm sure they can achieve it. From the latest Vanity party held few days ago.


More phantasmagorical and hardcore is the ultragangster dresscode Hells Yeah!!! party, held @ Unit-Salon. This terrific hole has a cinematoghaphic backstage, and is the product of an implacable collusion between Vanity party and Tokyo Boppers, the avant garde Tokyo shoewear shop.


Left: expiating her sins on the dancefloor Lolita Nakao @ Hells Yeah!!!. Right: more japanese NO-inspired make up. Dj Shima from Tokyo Boppers @ Hells Yeah!!!

Left: ghostly Shingo absorted in the music of Hells yeah!!! party. Right: ecstatic James Edwards from Vivians relaxing after his band gig @ Teenage Kicks fête.

Left: Dj and indie producer Takayuki giving away Linda pins @ Linda fête. Right: psychedelic pic of Coleen from Lost in Tokyo TV @ Vanity fête. Watch the party videos!!!

Left: Device and Vivians official photographer Yuta, working and having fun in HellsYeah!!! Right: so...if this is not glamour, what the f*ck glamour is! From Linda fête.

Left: the dressing room and make up table in the backstage of Hells yeah!!!. Right: 'supernatural' selfportrait @ Hells Yeah!!! backstage. As u can tell I LOVE TOKYOSHAMBLES!!!