Monday, March 13, 2006

Orange Wig

English Version at the Bottom. Versión en Español Aquí













[ たった今ボクは傷口に紙を引っかいてみた。でも血はでなかったよ。きっとボクという人はオレンジウィッグから出来ているからなんだろうね。。。 ]

Gallermic (田中) Tanaka* 

Orange Wig\\\\English
i-ve been writing about many things for quite a while, i mean, not so many things ... but i haven-t written about me for quite long ago... I don-t know if to confess that i-m feeling strange, rotten, complicated, heavy, anormal... even too asexual some times (i haven-t fucked for more than 1 month) and ridiculous is going to help me someway...

all this month, i-ve been living in the house of two guys that i barely know, one japanese and one argentinian... i have no money, no job that keeps me up, i only have parties and one blog wich is giving me a support that i could not imagine.

then i-ve become virtually happy, virtually desireble, virtually something...


...i don-t have internet, in other words my virtual happiness is not within my reach or works out really expensive... like today that i was uploading my new post and it took me hours and it all costed me 1500 yen!

and i barely have money to get out this weekend, i think i-m just counting with 5000 yen, with that i have to eat... and the tickets, the internet, the weekend... i don-t want to borrow money to my folks anymore, that makes me feel so bad knowing full well that they are going back and are saving to spend some good time over there.

i-ve become a thief. i don-t feel unworthy or guilty of nothing when it is about to steal information to keep me stoked. i steal magazines -the best ones. i steal movies, and i already have some classics -though by now i neither have tv nor vcr nor dvd player available. i-ll start over once i moved to my new room, it will be very cheap and near everything, and will have internet!, though it has some clear disadvantages... i don-t care, the point is that it-s got it...

what i don-t like is to find me passing the tickets at the station. at the beggining i twas kind of fun, but today for example i took a ticket from a misses who was right behind of me. to simulate i put my hand on the hole where the tickets go out, and with no intention i catched hers (because i obviously didn-t passed any)... when i could tell it was a 14 000 something yen ticket, poor misses


... i am also working, but i missed my job today and it was only my third day. i hate to work! i have to cook practicly precooked dishes because it is a fast food. it-s a bit gross to cook the food but it looks good on the table. i think i would be agree if at least i worked 5 days per week and 8 hours, but this sporadic part time will scarcely give me to pay the half of my rent... that-s why i missed today, cause i know it-s worth to nothing holding on it... i keep on looking for other...

it-s horrible to look for a job, to look for a house, worse if you do not dominate the japanese and have no money... the time runs so fast, and suddenly you gotta leave and you don-t know where. and you can not count on anybody... i don-t know when the relationships became so complicated, everyone loves me but they are not my friends. i just could think about sarah, she is so beautiful and seems she really cares for me and she has offered to help me... but i just don-t want to bother her cause she has a boyfriend and they probably fuck everyother minute... i-ve been thinking about coming back to Peru. but i know that in one month i-m going to miss Tokyo

right now i-m a scratched paper, with holes and wounds - but without blood... the only thing alive from me is the orange wig

[ Lost in the shindig, searching for something betwen ambition and truth, he finds out an industrial orange wig... ]
Gallermic (田中) Tanaka* 
( Special Thanks to Shannon Devine )