Tuesday, September 5, 2006


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{Japanese Translation by Yoshi Ito}

english\\\\ For the september issue, NEO2 asked us to do a Japanese fashion special up to our own free will. The result is 11 pages with gossips de luxe, that will indistinctly agitate the most cultivated curious or the most cosmopolitan snob. THEFASHIONRAMONE draws its most left-field conclusions on the Japanese fashion, interviews its 8 chosen designers and becomes your fashion guide in Tokyo, in order to when you come -instead of getting lost around as an asshole-, you come to get stiff, to get wet or to get melt in situ. Just in case you don-t know {but we are pretty sure that you do}, NEO2 is the Spanish magazine known as a cult among designers, architects, fashionistas and avant garde artist around the world. It is, in fact, the only Spanish that organizes cultural events in New York and that has been considerated as an epitome of vanguard from Madrid by the indispensable japanese mag Atmosphere. In Spain you find it right now in your newstand. In Tokyo, it is in every HMV and at the 3rd floor of the Harimura Building in Aoyama.

español\\\\Para la edicion de setiembre, NEO2 nos encargo hacer un especial de moda japonesa a nuestro libre albedrio. El resultado es 11 paginas de chismes de lujo, que lo mismo alborotaran al curioso mas cultivado o al esnob mas cosmopolita. THEFASHIONRAMONE saca sus conclusiones mas izquierdistas respecto a la moda japonesa, entrevista a sus 8 diseniadores elegidos y te hace de guia fashion en Tokio, para que cuando vengas en vez de ir perdiendote por ahi como pelma, te empalmes, te mojes o te derrames in situ. Por si no lo sabes {pero estamos seguros de que si lo sabes}, NEO2 es la revista espaniola con fama de culto entre diseniadores, arquitectos, fashionistas y artistas de vanguardia en el mundo. Es, de hecho, la unica espaniola que organiza eventos culturales en New York y que ha sido considerada por la indispensable revista de disenio japonesa Atmosphere como epitome de vanguardia desde Madrid. En Espania la encuentras ahora mismo en tu quiosco. En Tokio, esta en todos los HMV y en el 3er piso del Harimura Building de Aoyama.