Wednesday, May 9, 2007


日本語\\\\消して忘れない→JONTEを、‘la bête noire’、彼のマージナル・バレリーナ・ショーとか、黒リトル・アッスとか、ヘルムート・バッグとか、四回ふくchange[featuringジョンテの‘OUTKAST TRANSVESTITE’ルーク、今まで今年の一番BULLY]、と彼のMAKE、と彼のUP… FANCYHIM VOL.9を、今まで2007のクレージークラブwith‘ザ’音楽とか、一番汚いファッションとか、一番‘やりまんちん’ピープル… DJMONDOを、livening up、ランタンとの私達に焦点を合わせる、彼はめっちゃボディを有するとか、めっちゃヒールとか、めっちゃひげとか、彼の足は長skinnyけど、懸命に歩む、you know… RAMONを、かれのVEGETALISTIC頭メイクアップ、彼のアイ・ルークは、sweet as a swan, but やりまん as マライヤーキャリー NYC… HIROMUを、FHのオーガナイザー、edgyけどぜんぜん見えない、but fashion is pain 、WE KNOW… DENKIHITSUJIを、the motorcyclist 、いつもコスチュームのfuckin‘アイデアをチェンジできる… そして、ORANGE T-BOIを、彼のTシャツ! OH GOD, NY BLACK PEOPLE INVADE US, VINCENT GALLO WOULD DIE!!!!!!!!!

english\\\\we-ll never forget-> JONTE, ‘la bête noire’, his marginal ballerinas show, his lil black ass, his helmut-bag, and his four postmodern changes of clothes [featuring his ‘outkast tranvestite’ look that is the most BULLY we have seen so far in this year], and his MAKE, and his UP... FANCYHIM VOL.9, the joint with THE music, the filthiest fashion and the horniest people so far in 2007... DJ MONDO, livening up, focusing on us with the lintern, and he’s got a great body and mofo heels, and mofo moustache, and his legs are way cute skinny, but they step hard on, like you know... RAMON, his VEGETALISTIC makeup in the shorn, and his eye-look, that is sweet as a swan, but slag as the mariah carey NYC... HIROMU, FH’s organizer, who being off for edgy couldn-t watch anything, but fashion is pain, WE KNOW... DENKI HITSUJI, the motorcyclist, always renewing the fuckin' idea of costume... and the ORANGE T-BOI, his t-shirt!... OH GOD, NY BLACK PEOPLE INVADE US, VINCENT GALLO WOULD DIE!!!!!!!!!

español\\\\nunca olvidaremos-> a JONTE, ‘la bête noire’, a su show de ballerinas marginales, a su culito negro, a su helmut-bag, y a sus cuatro mudas posmodernas [featuring su look de ‘outkast travesti’ que es lo mas BULLY que hemos visto en lo que va de este anio], y a su MAKE, y a su UP… a FANCYHIM VOL. 9, el antro con LA musica, la moda mas warra y las gente mas salida en lo que va del 2007… a DJ MONDO, amenizandonos, enfocandonos con la linterna, y tiene un cuerpazo y unos taconazos, y unos bigotazos, y sus piernas son flaquitas, pero pisan fuerte, ya te digo… a RAMON, a su makeup VEGETALISTIC en la pelada, y a su mirada, que es dulce como un cisne, pero putita como la mariah carey NYC… a HIROMU, el organizador de FH, que por andar de edgy no podia ver nada, pero fashion is pain, WE KNOW… a DENKI HITSUJI, la motociclista, siempre renovando la jodida idea del costume… y al ORANGE T-BOI, a su t-shirt!... OH GOD, NY BLACK PEOPLE INVADE US, VINCENT GALLO WOULD DIE!!!!!!!!!!



1. best fashion- JONTE w/wig [scenic artist]. RAMON [scenic artist]. JONTE stripes [scenic artist]. HIROMU [fancyhim]. JONTE w/yellojacket [scenic artist]. TAP [fancyhim]. JONTE w/greendress&redbolero [scenic artist]. MEIDI [drag queen]. ORANGE T-BOI [???]. E-GALLIANO [stylist]. ZEBRA BOIS [???]. MIEKO [mercibeaucoup]. DENKI HITSUJI [graphic designer]. DJ MONDO [fancyhim]. LI [artista plastico]. YUUCHAN [gift]. MAGU [???]. DJ YULIA [neon spread]. SHIZUKU [fancyhim]. FUCSIA [fancyhim]. RED T-GAL [???]. WHITE T-GALS [???]. BIZARRE []. EBATO [graphic designer]. JET SET [punco]... and everybody inside of this fucking fashion snapping!!!!

2. best performance- JONTE [scenic artist]. DJ MONDO [fancyhim]

3. best dj- KASKAY [fancyhim]. HIDEO [fancyhim]. YULIA [neon spread]

4. best vj- STEREOTENNIS

5. best hair- FUCSIA [fancyhim]

6. best makeup- JONTE [scenic artist]. RAMON [scenic artist]

7. best fashion toy- JONTE’s helmut-bag [scenic artist]

8. best headdress- JONTE’s helmut-bag [scenic artist]

9. best wig- JONTE [scenic artist]

10. best pair look- ZEBRA BOIS [???].WHITE T-GALS [???]

11. best foxie- WHITE T-GALS [???]

12. best hottie- BLACK SHORTS BOI [???]

13. best hentai- JONTE [scenic artist]

14. fashion spot- INDIVIDUAL

* our criteria is tyrannically subjective. It is based on our fine sensibility towards the vanguard in fashion design, in styling, in superfitial heresies and club musics. Despite our nihilism, we still want to create a better world.