Sunday, May 6, 2007



日本語\\\\米国では賛否両論の二極化が激しいAshes and Snow展に行く。日本では、自分が見る限り、批判的な意見はほとんどゼロに近い。
Ashes and Snowは、写真家グレゴリー・コルベールによる現在も進行中のプロジェクト。グレゴリー・コルベールは、15年以上にわたり、インド、エジプト、ミャンマー、トンガ、スリランカ、ナミビア、ケニア、南極、アゾレス諸島その他の地域で人間と自然の交流をテーマに写真を撮り続けている。
2002年、Ashes and Snowはヴェネツィアのアーセナルで初めて公開。その後ニューヨーク、カリフォルニアのサンタモニカを経て、現在東京お台場に移動。運送用のコンテナやリサイクル可能な材料でこのミュージアムは作られており、50枚を超える写真による大型芸術作品、60分の映像1本、9分の動画2本を見ることが出来る。この遊動展示館は今後世界中を旅して回る予定だが、最終的な目的地は決まっていない。

スケジュール: 2007年3月11日~2007年6月24日
       月曜~木曜 11:00-19:00, 金曜~日曜、祭日 10:00-22:00
アーティスト: グレゴリー・コルベール
アクセス: ゆりかもめ『お台場海浜公園駅』または『青海駅』から徒歩3分
料金: 一般 ¥1900, 高・大学生 ¥1600

→ by Fantômas N

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c)Gregory Colbert

english\\\\The exhibition Ashes and Snow has brought on active debates over its pros and cons in the U.S., on the other hand, I find almost no criticism against the exhibition in Japan.
Ashes and Snow is an ongoing project by Gregory Colbert who, over the course of 15 years, has made more than 40 expeditions to India, Egypt, Myanmar, Tonga, Sri Lanka, Namibia, Kenya, Antarctica, the Azores, Borneo, Belize, and many other locations to photograph interactions between man and nature's living masterpieces.
Ashes and Snow was first revealed to the public at the Arsenale in Venice, Italy, in 2002, then travelled to New York City and Santa Monica, California. Constructed primarily out of shipping containers and other recyclable materials, the exhibition, which consists of more than 50 large-scale photographic artworks, a 60-minute feature film, and two 9-minute films, has been on display at the Nomadic Museum in Odaiba, Tokyo, from March 11 through June 24, 2007. Its final destination has been yet unknown.
The exhibition was nothing like an animal documentary - it was rather surreal art. The magical serenity throughout those images made me to recall mythical bestiary and biblical imagery.
The criticism in the U.S. seems derived from national perpetual nightmare (you may call it guilty conscience), and there is nothing surprising that I see no criticism like that in Japan. I mention this difference here because I always would like to be keenly aware of the unconscious cultural influence on my interpretation. I see that Mr. Colbert is an artist trying to depict not the REAL world but his INTERNAL world, and I believe no one is entitled to judge his work as "pseudo-profundity". However, aside from my prior knowledge about advance reviews, I must admit that there is something in this exhibition that distracts me from enjoying his art itself. Something that activates my left brain instead of the other side. It is ironic; the more I wish to get rid of the influence of an ideology, the more I feel captured in the system... In either case, the show was perfectly organized to maximize the effect of his works with the ethereal architecture by a renowned Japanese architect, Shigeru Ban. With the unique concept of exotic travelling museum, you would be able to experience the extraordinary atmosphere. It's well worth seeing, so please get yourself down to the exhibition and let me know your opinion.

Schedule: From 2007-03-11 To 2007-06-24
Venue Hours: Monday-Thursday open 11:00-19:00 , Friday-Sunday and National Holidays open 10:00-22:00
Artist: Gregory Colbert
Access: 3 minutes walk from Odaiba Kaihin Koen and Aomi Stations on the Yurikamome Line, 1 minute walk from Tokyo Teleport Station on the Rinkai Line
Fee: Adults 1900 yen, University and High School Students 1600 yen

-> by Fantômas N

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c) Gregory Colbert

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c) Gregory Colbert

TFR @ THE NOMADIC MUSEUM(c) Gregory Colbert